Wednesday, March 2, 2016

What's Hap-"pinning" Wednesday

Hi Friends! Wow! I can't believe it has been an entire week since I was on my blog last! I've missed you guys. I hope that you have all been wonderful over the past week and I'm sorry I've been MIA. There have been a LOT of changes and I can't wait to tell you about them. First off, come play along or just check out all of the ladies who are linking up today with Jessi and Jenn for What's Hap-"pinning" Wednesday. 

As you know my job is completely being eliminated come the end of this month. Well..... if you've been reading this blog for very long, then you know me and know how I am a TRUE Arkansas girl through and through and I love going back home.  Sooo... I have the pleasure of announcing that WE ARE MOVING BACK TO ARKANSAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!! 

After four long years, we are officially moving back home and I am in Heaven! I went on Monday and interviewed with 3 different firms in Little Rock and have been blessed with 3 different offers.  I am completely ecstatic and over the moon as you can just imagine! I have a hard decision to make because I want this job to be my last and final job that I can retire with. We have had to move so much over the last 11 years and I've had to change jobs so often that I'm completely over starting over and over and over. All of the promotions that my husband has been promised these last 4 years and hasn't gotten, has been very frustrating for him to say the least. But, I've told him time and time again that I felt it in my heart that God had a purpose and a place for us and that I truly believe it wasn't here in Texas or Portland, OR but that it was back home in Arkansas with our family and friends and he proved that to me with these 3 offers that I have been given and I couldn't be more grateful.

So..... that is what my What's Hap-pinning moment is this week. I am sure there are others, but this is the one that means the absolute most to me this week. I am literally (as they say in Arkansas) in HOG HEAVEN with my exciting news and can't wait to be back with my besties, family and my precious grandson.

Have a great day and thank you for stopping by. I promise to keep you posted as things progress along.

Lots of love and hugs,


  1. Oh my goodness Trac that is so exciting! Back home AND 3 offers - congrats!!!

  2. How wonderful. They say home is where the heart is and your heart is obviously in Arkansas.

    Did you know I am the 'international member' of a book club in Arkansas?

  3. Congratulations on the three job offers. I am so happy for you!


Sweet Love From My Friends