Saturday, March 13, 2010


Happy Saturday my "tweeps".  How are you? Great, I hope!  I came across this latest carnival from Brittney over at Mommywood's website just now and thought I would hop on the tweet train and pass it along to do my part of helping get us all more traffic on our tweet pages. :o)  So here is the information you need to know to come play along - so go check it out!

Welcome to Yo Tweeps Twaffic Exchange CARNIVAL.  This is a test of the emergency broadcast network or something... it's a trial.  Of course the mastermind behind this is none other than the famous SUPAH!

To play along and increase your twitter twaffic: we need to meet some new people.  Place it on your blog post.  This helps to BRAND the Exchange so that it is recognizable.


1.  Click on my twitter Icon above.  Follow me!

2. Shout me a hello on twitter @steandtra I follow!! #yotweeps

Then I'll know you followed and I'll reciprocate.  SO EASY to do this way!  Especially if you use tweetdeck.

Want more tweeps?


3. Grab the YO Tweeps Button.

4. Place it on your blog post. This helps to BRAND the Exchange so that it is recognizable.

5. Put a twitter icon / link on your blog post like I did.

6.  Link that post that you created : On supahs page!

7. Visit some other YO Tweeps linkers on the list.

8.  Follow them if you choose and shout out to them on twitter that you did so they can instantly follow you if they're on.

Example:  @steandtra #yotweeps I'm following!

9.  If someone follows you, reciprocate.  It's that easy.

See- easy peasy! :O)  Happy Saturday my friends and don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour tonight before you go to bed.

Lots of love and hugs,


  1. Im a bad tweeter, I cant even remember my pass word to log ;)

  2. I am not sure I understand, will read again tomorrow.

  3. I don't understand twitter yet, but I do have it so I am going to go and follow you right this second :)

  4. I am sorry I've deleted my Twitter account.
    Hope you're enjoying a fab week-end!:O)
    Betty xx


Sweet Love From My Friends