Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year and Year in Review

Happy New Year my peeps!  Hope you had a wonderful New Year's Eve.  Hubby and I participated in our "normal" annual New Year's Eve ritual - we went to an early dinner, had dinner and drinks and then came home and put on our pj's and snuggled up watching tv until the ball dropped.  We are REAL party animals, can't you tell?! HA! :)  This year I am joining in with Nicole from Three 31 and others on their Year in Review linky party.  You can go here to play along too! :)  Nicole was great enough to provide the prompts, so all we have to do is provide the answers.  So.... without further adieu - here are mine:

What did you do in 2014 that you’d never done before?  Husby and I went with our best friends on a cruise at the end of September and went zip lining through the rain forest of Belize - IT.WAS.AWESOME!!!  We have been on many cruises before, but never zip lining.  I can now mark that one off my bucket list. :)

Did you keep your new years’ resolutions? Will you make more in 2015?  I didn't make any resolutions, and probably won't again this year.

Did anyone close to you give birth?  Yes, my brother and his wife gave birth to a handsome baby boy who just happened to be born on my birthday - talk about an excellent birthday gift...a new nephew and on my birthday made it even more special! :)  

Did anyone close to you die?  Yes, some life long friends of our family who lived back home.  They were like another set of grandparents to me  :(  

What would you like to have in 2015 that you lacked in 2014?  More willpower when it comes to eating healthier  

What was your biggest achievement of the year?  Changing jobs and careers after being in the legal field for the past 16 years  

What was your biggest failure?  I had a lot of them but can't recall off the top of my head, at the moment, which one was my biggest.  

Did you suffer illness or injury?  Yes, the week before Christmas, I had emergency gall bladder surgery.  I never had any type of symptoms - it just hit out of the blue at 11:00 at night  

What was the best thing you bought?  My other 2 Boston Terriers babies - Bree and Beaux  

Whose behavior merited celebration?   My son for his hard work and efforts in keeping a 3.25 again in college and becoming a sophomore 

Where did most of your money go?  Buying healthy food - why does it have to be so darn expensive as opposed to junk food?  

What did you get really excited about?  My Arkansas Razorbacks making it to a Bowl game against the Texas Longhorns and being there to watch them kick their butt a few days ago! :)  

What countries did you visit?  Mexico, Hondurus and Belize

What song will always remind you of 2014?  All about that Bass sung by Meghan Trainor along with all of the parodies played off of that song  

Compared to this time last year, are you: Happier or sadder Happier, Thinner or fatter?  Neither - the same, but want to be thinner and healthier, Richer or poorer? Richer

What do you wish you’d done more of? Spent more time with family and friends back home 

What do you wish you’d done less of?  Work 

How will you be spending Christmas? We stayed home - I had just gotten out of the hospital after having emergency gall bladder surgery 

Did you fall in love in 2014?  No - still in love with my husband (17 years and going strong) 

How many one-night stands?  None 

Who were your best friends?  My mom, sister and the same friends as always from back home

What thing did you do that was meaningful to others? Nothing that I recall, unless paying it forward (or backward) in the line at Starbucks counts... :)

What were your favorite TV shows?  The Blacklist, Scandal and Glee

Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?  Nope, because I don't hate anyone

What was the best book you read in 2014?  I didn't get to read any books this year, unfortunately

What was your greatest musical discovery?  I didn't really have one

What did you want and get?  A new wedding ring because my other kept losing the diamonds constantly

What did you want but did not get?  A new house to rent because this place we live in currently isn't big enough anymore and the parking stinks 

What were your favorite films this year?  God is not Dead and Malificient are the two that come to mind at the moment.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?  I turned 46 years old and we went to a Houston Astros baseball game in Minute Maid Park in Houston and it was a blast

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?  To have moved back home to Arkansas 

What kept you sane?  Friends and Family

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?  Luke Bryan - I love hearing him sing

What political issue stirred you the most?  ALL political ads and anything and everything relating to OBAMA - I can NOT wait to get a new president!!!

Who do you miss?  My daughter who lives back home in Arkansas but I get to see her in a couple of weeks! :)

Who are the best new persons you met this year?  Jim and Elaine from our cruise last February and they actually live close enough to hang out with

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2014.  That your health is important and you need to keep working hard to improve it daily, or you will be like me and end up with an emergency gall bladder surgery, which included no prior symptoms.

Quote that sums up the year:  Only you can make yourself happy

What date from 2014 will remain etched upon your memory?  The day my beautiful baby girl got married

Well, there you have it my peeps!  Be sure to play along if you'd like to.  Have a Happy New Year and thanks for stopping by to say hello, as well as reading my little blog here in my corner of the world.

Lots of love and hugs,


Thursday, December 25, 2014


to all of my wonderful readers and thank you for another great year!  I hope you and your families have had a wonderful CHRISTmas so far, but let's not forget all of our wonderful soldiers and their families who can't be together this year.

Lots of love and hugs,

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Missing in Action......

Hello friends!  I'm sorry that I have been missing in action for the last week or so.  I had to have emergency gallbladder surgery last week and it has taken its toll on me.  I am just now able to start getting up and moving around somewhat.  And of course, since I've been down and out, I've not finished up my CHRISTmas shopping yet - ACK!! I think we may celebrate our CHRISTmas a little late this year.  I am just hoping to be able to go see the lights tomorrow night on CHRISTmas eve like we have done for the past 3 years now.
In the event I am not back up and on the computer between now and Thursday, I want to wish you and your family a very wonderful and Merry CHRISTmas from me and my family.  I hope the Lord blesses each and every one of you this Holiday season and for years to come.  Thank you for taking time to stop by and read my blog - I am very grateful for friends like you and I am looking forward to a great 2015.
Lots of love and hugs,

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Fabulous Giveaway!! FREE Blogger to Wordpress Transfer for ONE lucky Winner

Hello my friends! How are you?! I'm SO EXCITED.  I have the pleasure of having been chosen as one of the stops along the way on the 31 days of Giveaways at Blogelina and I can't be happier than to share it with you. :) ONE lucky winner will win a FREE transfer from your blogger service to Wordpress. Have you ever thought about transferring your blog but wasn't sure how to do it exactly?  I, for one, have been wanting to do the transfer from blogger to Word Press for a long time, but I didn't know how to do so, which makes me even more excited to be sharing this giveaway with all of you.   

Here is some information describing what you will get if you are the chosen winner. The regular price for this service is $149.00 but one of you will get it for FREE! 

In order to win this fantastic giveaway, you need to follow the instructions listed below:

Thanks for stopping by and GOOD LUCK!  :)

Lots of love and hugs,

Thursday, December 11, 2014

FREE Blogger to WordPress Giveaway for ONE of my lucky readers - THIS SUNDAY!

A Gentle Reminder because I don't want you to lose out on this awesome giveaway THIS Sunday! :)

I was chosen as a host in the 31 Days of Blogging Giveaways by Blogelina and I am SO excited!  It is a giveaway for one of my lucky readers (that's YOU) to win a FREE Wordpress Transfer from Blogger to Wordpress.  This is a $150 value that one of YOU will win for FREE!!!  SO.... come back for the giveaway which takes place HERE on my blog THIS Sunday, December 14th beginning at 5 a.m. CST promptly.  In the meantime though, be sure to go to Blogelina's website (click on the word, Blogelina and it will take you to the giveaway page) and you can follow along and enter and see all of the wonderful prizes you can win over the remaining 31 days! :) 
Lots of love and hugs,

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Scalloped Pineapple Dessert

Happy Thursday lovies!  I made a recipe for the first time for Thanksgiving and wanted to share it with all of you.  It is one my mother used to make at the holidays and I had completely forgotten about it.  It turned out spectacular and was even better than I recalled. :)  The only downfall to it is that I didn't get a picture of it before my boys had devoured it all..... But...I was able to go onto the wonderful internet and locate a picture for you:
Scalloped Pineapple


1 3/4 cups white sugar
1/2 cup cream or milk (I used Heavy Whipping Cream)
3 eggs slightly beaten
6 slices of white bread (broken up into small pieces)
2 sticks melted butter
1 large can of Crushed Pineapple (drained)


Mix all ingredients together and place in 1 1/2 quart baking dish.
Bake at 350 degrees uncovered for 40 to 45 minutes.

Trust me when I say - if you like pineapple, you will LOVE this recipe wholeheartedly!  It has such a wonderful BUTTERY taste that it's hard to stop eating it.  I prefer eating it warm, however, others enjoy it cold.  This will be a wonderful and quick and easy addition to your Christmas meal - I promise.  :)

On another note as a reminder:

I was chosen as a host in the 31 Days of Blogging Giveaways by Blogelina and I am SO excited!  It is a giveaway for one of my lucky readers (that's YOU) to win a FREE Wordpress Transfer from Blogger to Wordpress.  This is a $150 value that one of YOU will win for FREE!!!  SO.... keep checking back for the giveaway which takes place HERE on my blog on Sunday, December 14th beginning at 5 a.m. CST promptly.  In the meantime though, be sure to go to Blogelina's website (click on the word, Blogelina and it will take you to the giveaway page) and you can follow along and enter and see all of the wonderful prizes you can win over the remaining 31 days! :) 

Thanks for stopping by to say hello.  Have a fabulous day guys and dolls! :)

Lots of love and hugs,

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Weekend Recap and an AWESOME Giveaway

Happy Hump Day guys and gals.  Hope you had a fabulous weekend and are having an even better week so far.  I wanted to share a few pictures of our Thanksgiving weekend and then tell you about an AWESOME giveaway that will be on my blog a week from this Sunday, on December 14th.  So be sure to read to the end of this post as well as check back for the giveaway.  It is one I promise you will not want to miss! :)

My three babies after they got their bellies full on Thanksgiving Day
Obligatory picture of carving the turkey by my handsome hubby:
Some of the spread:
We always make extra food each year and take it to my husband's staff who has to work that day.  We took them Mashed Potatoes and homemade gravy, rolls, green beans, corn, cranberry sauce and of course, Turkey!
Mark and his son, Reece:
Friday after work - Me and my friend, Mark.  We've been friends since 5th grade and he and his son came to celebrate the holiday with us. I know I look rough here but I had worked all day and I think my Hogs were on tv at that moment - I was probably in the middle of screaming at the tv right before that - HA
Road trip taking Mark and his son back home on Saturday - I loved the scenery:
Close up of a tree in a gas station - I fell in LOVE with this tree and want it for my house.  The downside was it was about 30' tall!
See how beautiful and tall it was!
On our way home we stopped at a little store and gas station and there was a Sonic IN the store! I was so impressed I had to take a picture - I've never seen a Sonic inside a store before - LOL
 Then I fell in love with the table carvings inside the same store and had to have pictures of that as well:   
 I LOVED this bench!
Now on to the goodies and AWESOME giveaway!  I was chosen as a host in the 31 Days of Blogging Giveaways by Blogelina and I am SO excited!  It is a giveaway for one of my lucky readers (that's YOU) to win a FREE Wordpress Transfer from Blogger to Wordpress.  This is a $150 value that one of YOU will win for FREE!!!  SO.... keep checking back for the giveaway which takes place HERE on my blog on Sunday, December 14th beginning at 5 a.m. CST promptly.  In the meantime though, be sure to go to Blogelina's website (click on the word, Blogelina and it will take you to the giveaway page) and you can follow along and enter and see all of the wonderful prizes you can win over the remaining 31 days! :) 
Well, thanks for stopping by to say hello.  Please let me know you were here!  Have a great rest of the week friends. :)

 Lots of love and hugs,

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you and your families a wonderful and blessed day.

Lots of love and hugs,

Friday, November 21, 2014

Happy 21st Birthday to my Precious Baby Girl

Happy TGIF guys and dolls!  I just wanted to send out a quick shout out to my beautiful and sweet baby girl wishing her a very happy 21st birthday!  (This is her having her FIRST LEGAL drink on her special day today) 

Hope you all have a wonderful and fabulous weekend!  P.S. - stay tuned in the next few weeks as I will be having a FANTASTIC giveaway and only one person can win.  I can't wait to share the news with you!  Thanks for stopping by to say hello! :)
Lots of love and hugs,

Friday, November 7, 2014

Happy TGIF

Hello friends.  Just a quick note to say I'm sorry I've not been around, but life has kinda been nuts over in these parts of the woods. I can't believe it's been so long since my last post already.  Time sure flies when you are staying busy on the home front and work front, that's for sure.  However, I'm still here and missing you all like crazy.  I realize it's getting into the holiday season, but plan to be back again very soon.  I hope all is going well with you and your families and want to catch up on your blogs soon.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend. :)

Lots of love and hugs,

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Week 41 - Finish This.....

Happy Hump Day my friends!  How are you?  Great, I hope!  It seems like no matter how much I try, I can never seem to get caught back up here in the bloggy world.  I appreciate all of your thoughts and comments on my last post regarding the racial profiling.  I was happy to see so many of you understood where I was coming from.  There have been a few changes since my last post - however, the main one is that I am no longer working for the law firm in downtown Houston, and am instead starting work tomorrow at a local bank as a loan processor and it's only 3 miles from home. Win Win!!!
Anyway, another reason you may have stopped by is to play along and join in on the Finish This link up this week.  It is co-hosted by LISA (COASTLINED), JEN (The Arizona Russums), BECKY (The Java Mama) and NICOLE (Three 31). The instructions are simple: answer the prompts on your blog and add the post to the link up.
1. I feel like a bad-ass when

Hmmm... that would be never maybe? I never feel like a bad-ass - HA!

2. One thing that always cheers me up

Talking and/or being around friends and family - especially since they all live out of state and it's been a while since I have seen any of them.
3. The quotes I live by
Can't never could
Your day will go the way the corners of your mouth turn
The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for
Stand up for whatever is right, even if you are standing alone
Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life
Well there you go - so come play along, won't you?! :)  I promise that I am working hard to get back to regular blogging and can't wait to catch up on all of your blogs.  Thanks for stopping by to say hello and please let me know you were here!
Lots of love and hugs, 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Unfair Racial Profiling or Just Being Cautious?

Good morning, and Happy Tuesday peeps!  How are you?  Great, I hope.  Being back to work after vacation is killing me already.... I work for a law firm in the banking and finance dept. in downtown Houston and we have several closings going on all at once - which means early early mornings and extra late nights for me.  I was here until after 9 last night and started my day here at 7 a.m.... sigh.... like I said - extra lonngggg days.  :(

Anywho - regarding the title of my I said, I work in downtown Houston and it was after 9 p.m. and clearly after dark and I was ALONE walking across the street from my building to the parking garage to my car.  As I was approaching the outside of the area that leads to the parking garage, which by the way, you have to have a key for, there was a big tall black guy carrying a gym bag and earphones in his ear talking with someone.  I don't really know why he scared me SO bad last night, but as I got to the key pad to get into the building, he was closing in on the same area.  Out of fear, I immediately scanned my card, jumped in the building and pulled the door closed behind me fast.  

Once inside, I hit the elevator button and looked at the door - he had a key card and was sighing a bit as he dug it out to get into the same building.... *whew*...  Once I noticed he also had a key card, I relaxed and held the elevator for him.  However, he said no worries that he was catching a different one instead.  So I got off the elevator and RAN to my car and got in and locked the doors.  I had to leave out of a different exit because of the after 9 p.m. issue.  As I pulled up and stopped at the light, I looked to my right and there he was in his car with the window rolled down and he smiled and waved.  So I rolled my window down and apologized for my hastiness of locking him out and told him it truly was nothing personal, but I was alone and afraid that time of night going to my car.  

He was very nice and said he completely understood and not to worry and that was the exact reason he had chosen to take the other elevator, so that he wouldn't make me more nervous and afraid.  He also proceeded to tell me that he is the CVS manager across the street and had just gotten off work and changed clothes and was on his way to the gym.  (Which I WILL be checking his story out about the manager part)  Anyway, I was in tears all the way home and very anxious all night to say the least.  A part of me felt VERY bad for profiling him unjustly (though his color was of no concern to me - I would have done the same thing if he had been a big tall white guy), and the other part of me kept kicking myself telling me that I should never have even rolled down my car window to talk to him as he could have pulled out a gun and shot me right there on the spot! 

So... what do you think?  Unfair profiling on my part, or valid concern and being cautious since you never know nowadays in this world we live in?  I would love to hear your thoughts on this.  Please leave a comment telling me what you think.  However, as our department is now getting into our most busy season of the year, I am off to find some pepper spray just to play it safe.....

In the meantime, I am dreaming of days like this:

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day! :)

Lots of love and hugs,

Monday, September 29, 2014


Happy Monday, ya'll!  Hope you had an awesome week last week and an even better weekend.  We officially arrived home yesterday about 9:30 or so and have been running ever since.  It was VERY HARD to get up this morning at 5 a.m. after sleeping in all week....  Back to life - back to reality... right?  Anyway, we had a fantastic trip that I can't wait to share with all of you, along with the pictures.  This has already been a crazy day at work just trying to play catch up, but I promise I will get the blog posts with pictures up very soon.  All I can tell you is that it was truly an UN-BELIZEABLE trip! :)

Have a great day and I will catch you on the flip side!  On my way to catch up with your blogs now to see what I missed out on last week.

Thanks for stopping by and please say hello.

Lots of love and hugs,

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Vacation Time and Finish This Linkup

Happy Hump Day ya'll!  TWO more desk days until I am OFFICIALLY on vacation for a total of 9 whole days - OMG I can NOT wait!  We have had this trip planned since February this year and it has been a LONGGGG time coming for sure!  We are headed on a cruise to Hondurus, Belize and Cozumel for 8 glorious days and 7 wonderful nights.  Hubby and I are celebrating our 17 year anniversary and our besties who are going with us are celebrating their 20th year anniversary and his birthday.  Anyway, needless to say, I will be out of pocket again for those 9 days and hope to catch up after that and get back on a regular blogging schedule going into the Fall.  Hard to believe it is middle of September already and all I can think of is SUN, SUN and MORE SUN this next week.  You can bet I will be taking a TON of pictures on our trip to share here when we return. :)  

On another note.... here is another Finish This Linkup with LISA (Coastlined),  JEN (The Arizona Russums), BECKY (The Java Mama) and NICOLE (Three 31).  The link up instructions are simple:  answer the prompts in a post on your blog. 

1.  I am the type of person who:  Tries to see the good in everyone no matter what the situation is.  I try to befriend everyone as I am a very friendly person, but some people just aren't up for being befriended - even co-workers sometimes, which really sucks.  Especially when I am in a place where I literally and look for people with a common bond...

2.  My favorite joke, riddle, or funny is:  I'm totally stumped on this one and don't have a clue - though I LOVE stand up comedians and love a lot of their jokes so I guess that counts, right?! :)

3.  All that really matters is: Faith, Family and Friends (borrowed this one from (aka Becky) because she was spot on, on this, I thought!  Living life to the fullest, being happy and having your Faith, Family and Friends is definitely what life is truly all about, I think.                   

Well, thanks for stopping by to say hello and be sure to link up if you want to play along with the Finish This Linkup this week.  Have a great rest of the week, weekend and week ahead and I will see you on the Flip side after my luxurious vacation with my hubby and friends.                                              

Lots of love and hugs,

Thursday, September 11, 2014

We Will NEVER Forget....

Remembering all of those who died on this day and the sacrifice they gave during this horrible tragedy on American soil.  

Lots of love and hugs,

Thursday, September 4, 2014

My Baby Girl, Bella, is ONE today!

Happy Thursday ya'll!  Hope you're having a fabulous short week - even though it DOES seem like the shorter the week, the longer it is.... sigh.....

I had to do a quick post today because I wanted to show you my beautiful baby girl, Bella.  She is full-blood Boston Terrier and is the SWEETEST thing ever!  I never thought I would have any dog besides a Golden Retriever who could tug at my heart strings like she does.  We actually have 3 Boston Terrier's but she was our first BT baby.  

So... Happy Happy Birthday to my beautiful Bella Girl - momma is going to bring you home a special treat today from the puppy store.  I love you sweet baby - thank you for bringing this furmommy such joy over the last year!

P.S. - you think it's hard getting a child's picture on their birthday or first day of school - it's REALLY hard getting a furbaby - doesn't the last picture just say it all??!! LMBO!  I think she had, had enough of her picture being taken this morning (these were just 3 of the only good ones I was able to capture of her) The middle one is my favorite - though the bottom one makes me laugh! 

Thanks for stopping by to say hello.  Have a great day and great rest of the week! :)

Lots of love and hugs,

Friday, August 29, 2014

Happy TGIF AND FOOTBALL Weekend!!!

Happy TGIF my peeps!  What are your weekend plans for this wonderful and long 3 day weekend?  Going to the lake perhaps?  Hanging out home?  Hubby and I are headed to our home state of Arkansas to hang with some of our besties and watch the HOG game on TV Saturday afternoon into the evening and I for one - CAN NOT WAIT!!!  It has been WAY TOO LONG since Football season was here and I live for this time of year - football, fall weather and then on into the holidays.  If you are a football fanatic like I happen to be - who is your favorite team that you root for and who are you playing this weekend?  Us? We are playing Auburn:

I am hoping for a huge win for my Razorbacks - or a small win - I don't really care - just as long as my beloved Razorbacks WIN AND BEAT Auburn! :) So... tell me - what are your plans this weekend?  Can't wait to hear all about them!  

Have a great day, a very happy and safe holiday weekend and thanks for stopping by.  Please let me know you were here! :)

Lots of love and hugs,

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Finish This Link Up: Week 34 All About The Hair

I have finally gotten the chance to join this link up - finally!  And wouldn't you know it, it's ALL about the hair! :)

Your hosts are LISA (Coastlined),  JEN (The Arizona Russums), BECKY (The Java Mama) and NICOLE (Three 31). The link up instructions are simple: answer the prompts in a post on your blog. Then, add the post to the collection list using the link below.  Next week’s prompts are located at the bottom of this post.

1. My daily hair routine consists of:  Flat Ironing.  I only wash my hair every 3-4 days MAX.  On the days that I do wash my hair it consists of washing with whatever shampoo I have on hand, putting several types of product in my hair (can't recall any of the names off hand), including Moraccan Oil and drying it straight with a paddle brush, then finishing it off with a flat iron and hairspray.

2. The best hair advice I’ve received:  Don't wash it every day because it will take all of your natural oils out of your hair and dry it out.  Also, never brush your hair when wet - always use a wide tooth comb.

3. My hair idol is:  Michelle Lea.  I love how shiny her hair looks all of the time no matter what time of day or night it is.  That and I just think she's gorgeous all the way around and love her hairstyle no matter what style she is sporting that day! :)

Okay, so now it's your turn to come play along!  Be sure to link up so that we can all come check out your answers.  Also, listed below are the questions for next week's link-up!  Hope you are having a great day and Happy Hump Day!  We are officially ONE day closer to the long weekend!  Woot Woot!  Please let me know you stopped by so I can go check out your blog as well.  I always enjoy meeting and making new bloggy friends! :)

Prompt for WEEK 35 — September 3I celebrated Labor Day by
My dream job/career, would be
My first paying job was
My current job is

Lots of love and hugs,

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Happy Wednesday Peeps!

Just stopping by to say:

Hope to be back soon - things are just nuts around here and super busy at work.  Have a great week and I look forward to catching up with you all shortly!

Lots of love and hugs,

Friday, August 1, 2014

Happy TGIF

Sorry my friends, I am still here - just been NUTS at work lately to say the least.  That, and I got severely sick for almost a week with major Vertigo AND then had to get my daughter married off - ALL in the same week - talk about a tough one!  Either way, I hope all is well with all of you and I will have some beautiful photos from my daughter's wedding to share soon.

Have a wonderful weekend guys and dolls and please say hello!

Lots of love and hugs,