Happy Friday darlins! We finally made it to the weekend - whoop whoop!!! I'm SO happy that it is finally here. I hate that we live our lives always looking forward to the weekends, but hey, it is what it is, right?! :) You know what today is and know the rules, so come play along with these beauties if you'd like.
1. The word, Friday. I mean, who doesn't get excited over that?
2. Jean Day at work. Um, can I get a heck yeah? I lurrrrvveee jean day at work. Besides Friday, it is my other favorite day! And the fact that the two happen to fall on the same day is even better! I feel like I'm part of Oprah's favorite things when it's jean day! Ha!
3. Continuing to get sweet photos of my grandson like this every day on my phone. I mean, just look at that sweet face:
And this one really cracks me up. He looks like a little old man with a pot belly. LOL
4. Fresh manicures. I got my nails done like this last night and LOVE them:
Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by to say hello! :)
Lots of love and hugs,