Thursday, August 25, 2011

World Cheese Dip Competition

OMG - you WON'T believe this!  I competed in a cheese dip competition at my office yesterday (which is why I've not been on here since last Friday).... AND.... I....WON!!!!  Now, I go on to compete in the World Cheese Dip Competition here in Little Rock, Arkansas next month and if I win there then I go on to compete in New Orleans - WOO HOO!!!

Now mind you - after I tasted everyone else's dips - I truly, truly did NOT believe I had a shot in the dark of placing, much less... winning the whole darn thing!  I won a $50 gift card to Chili's for dinner, and then my firm will pay for everything for me to represent them in the competition - it is just TOO surreal! HA!

Well, I just wanted to say hello and let you know I'm still here - life has just been very busy this week.  Hope all of you are doing fine and I will catch up on your blogs soon!

Thanks for stopping by to say hello!

Lots of love and hugs,
Trac~ :)


  1. WHAT?? You rule!! Congratulations on your "cheeserific" win! :)

  2. Congrats...I'm keeping my fingers crossed for ya my talented friend :)


Sweet Love From My Friends