Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Monday, ER and Dr. Visit

Good morning friends.  This is going to be short and sweet and I will have to catch you up on my weekend recap later today or tonight.  I was in the ER with my daughter from 11:30 to 1:00 this morning because we thought she had fractured her elbow because it was swollen and she was in a lot of pain.  Turns out that it isn't fractured but just bruised really bad.  They gave her a sling to help give her some support and told her to take Motrin.  She doesn't know how it happened exactly but she hit it somehow on a door or something at work yesterday but it didn't start bothering her until last night.  Then my son got sick last night and was running 102 fever with a sore throat - looks like he may have strept - not sure.  Having to take him to the doctor soon this morning.  Needless to say, I am home today and running on fumes.  Hopefully I can get some rest throughout the day.  My husband is off Wed - Fri of this week and I was supposed to be off this Friday to spend the day with him, but now that's kind of out of the question as I only have 1 remaining vacation day for the rest of the year. :o( 

Anyway, I just wanted to check in and say hello and hope to catch up with all of you later today or early part of this evening.  Have a great day my peeps.

Lots of love and hugs,


  1. OH MY...I will pray all is well ;)


  2. Hope her arm feels better soon!

  3. Oh no! So sorry to hear all of this. I hope that both of your children feel better and that you get some rest today! Sending prayers your way!

  4. ewwwww er's are suchhorrible places, hope all is well.


Sweet Love From My Friends