Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Eve Tradition

Happy Thursday guys and dolls - how the heck are you this cold and blustery morning? Me, eh - I could be better - I'm just plain exhausted to be honest.  I had a dr. appt. last night - more on that another time.  Anywho....ever since I married into the Anderson family over 13 years ago - my wonderful mother-in-law has made a special dinner for Christmas Eve.  Well.... once we moved far away from everyone, we decided to keep that tradition for our family since it would be just the 4 of us.  What is it you might ask... welll.... here's some snippets - see if you can guess what it is and yes we ate on the coffee table while watching Christmas movies and eating at the same time - LOL:
Any guesses?  Well... I'm sure you figured it out pretty easily - however, since I totally sucked at taking pictures while eating - it is our traditional "Steak Fondue" Christmas Eve dinner and boy was it ever YUMMY!  P.S. The steaks truly weren't as pink as they are made out to be in this picture and the cheese sauce is made from Campbell's cheese soup (in a can) with a can of milk added to it and the mushrooms are cooked (or heated up, if you will) in a skillet with butter and lemon pepper and the potatoes I totally cheated on this year and got the kind to pop in the microwave and tada - 10 minutes later we had 4 nice and fresh and hot potatoes ready to be enjoyed oh and the bread was totally just a loaf of french bread from our store baker - delicious!  

So.... there you have it - one of my most favorite family Christmas Eve traditions.  Wow - cannot believe we are already about to celebrate and ring in the New Year of 2011 - seems like we just celebrated the New Year of 2010 not too long ago doesn't it?  Today is my last day of work for a few days and I am so thrilled.  Things have been so quiet and dead at the office these last 2 days and it's been wonderful.  Oh... I can't wait to show you what I bought with my Saks Fifth Avenue Gift Card from my big boss - I LOVE them! :)

Well, it's that time yet again - so I bid you my lovely readers adieu and hope you have a wonderful and blessed day .  Thanks for stopping by to say hello and stay warm! :o)

Lots of love and hugs,

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Hello my peeps! How are you?  How was your Christmas holiday?  Great, I hope! We had a wonderful one and I even got an extra day at home yesterday due to the 20+" of snow we got here in the last 48 hours.  However, my poor husband has been stuck at the airport for the last 3 days - luckily, he was able to obtain a nice hotel room to go sleep at though in between his work at the airport.  Since it has been one of those weeks so far, I don't have much time this morning and must get hustling so I can get my car warmed up before heading out on the roads to my office.  Not sure how the roads are this morning still, but the backroads here aren't that great.  Luckily, even though the office opened today, we are able to wear our jeans and comfortable winter attire thankfully for the rest of the week - which means jeans and snow boots - yay!!!! :o)

Anyway, I wanted to show you a picture of the winter wonderland at my house from yesterday:

The lake:
My house:
Well, I will show you more pictures tomorrow during Wordless Wednesday.  For some reason this morning, I can't get but only these two to upload currently.  I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day today and are staying warm wherever you may be.  Personally, I am ready for Spring! HA!  Thanks for stopping by to say hello my peeps! :)

Lots of love and hugs,

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - The Reason for the Season

Then she gave birth to her firstborn Son, and she wrapped Him snugly in cloth and laid Him in a feeding trough-because there was no room for them at the inn.

Luke 2:7

Lots of love and hugs,

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Post It Note Tuesday - Christmas Style

Happy Tuesday my friends!  How are you?  Good, I hope!  Today it's time to play along with That One Mom at Only Parent Chronicles and the other guys and dolls in Post It Note Tuesday - so run, don't walk and play along so we can all read your answers too.


 Lots of love and hugs,

Monday, December 20, 2010

Meet Me On Monday - 27th Edition

Happy Monday my peeps and welcome to another beautiful but brisk day!  How are you?  How was your weekend?  Since I am running very short on time this morning, this Meet Me on Monday blog hop was the perfect post!  Feel free to visit Java over at Never Growing Old and post your link to play along!  Now... on to today's questions:

1. What will your Christmas dinner consist of?  I'm not sure about our Christmas dinner as of yet besides there being ham - however, our "traditional" Christmas Eve dinner always consists of Steak Fondue.

2. Do you watch commercials or flip through the channels?  I HATE commercials and avoid them as much as possible - thank goodness for DVR!

3. How long will you leave your Christmas decorations up?  They usually come down by New Year's day when I have the time off to get things back in order.

4. What movie makes you cry every time you watch it?  I don't know remember off hand - I am very emotional - so any sad and sappy movie always makes me cry! LOL

5. Do you have a Facebook?  Yes - you can find me under Tracy Yeager Anderson.

There you have it my friends - quick, simple and easy as pie.  Come join the fun so we can all read your answers as well!

Have a great day and enjoy the short week - I for one am really looking forward to it!

Lots of love and hugs,

Meet Me On Monday - 27th Edition

Happy Monday my peeps and welcome to another beautiful but brisk day!  How are you?  How was your weekend?  Since I am running very short on time this morning, this Meet Me on Monday blog hop was the perfect post!  Feel free to visit Java over at Never Growing Old and post your link to play along!  Now... on to today's questions:

1. What will your Christmas dinner consist of?  I'm not sure about our Christmas dinner as of yet besides there being ham - however, our "traditional" Christmas Eve dinner always consists of Steak Fondue.

2. Do you watch commercials or flip through the channels?  I HATE commercials and avoid them as much as possible - thank goodness for DVR!

3. How long will you leave your Christmas decorations up?  They usually come down by New Year's day when I have the time off to get things back in order.

4. What movie makes you cry every time you watch it?  I don't know remember off hand - I am very emotional - so any sad and sappy movie always makes me cry! LOL

5. Do you have a Facebook?  Yes - you can find me under Tracy Yeager Anderson.

There you have it my friends - quick, simple and easy as pie.  Come join the fun so we can all read your answers as well!

Have a great day and enjoy the short week - I for one am really looking forward to it!

Lots of love and hugs,

Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday my wonderful friends!  Thanks for stopping by to say hi today!  Currently, it is a BRISK 11 degrees outside here and I am enjoying a nice fresh hot cup of coffee, along with a nice and tasty strawberry/banana nut bread made by my good friend from Georgia who is a wonderful baker! So what's on your agendas this weekend?  Do you have Christmas shopping to finish or parties to attend?  We don't have much to do other than running our daughter to work all weekend long and then on Saturday night we have a dinner party at my good friend, Ellen's and we are really looking forward to that!  I will have pictures of our visit next week (with her permission of course) of her beautiful home all decorated for the holidays along with our wonderful visit.

On another note, I will probably be posting very sporadically until after Christmas due to spending some Q&A time with my precious family and just trying to relax as much as possible.  However, I look forward to catching up on all of your blogs soon - I know I am SO far behind that it's a shame - but I just can't help it right now - it's a very busy time of year at work and with the long hours I just come straight home and crash.  Unfortunately, I also can't comment from the office on anyone's blogs due to being blocked - BUT - when I get my new IPAD this weekend - that should all change and I can then comment with no problem! I simply cannot wait! :)

Have a wonderful day and an even better weekend.  Enjoy the family time with your loved ones and most importantly - relax!  Take in all of the sights and smells and just let it relax you completely and forget about all of the hustle and bustle.  :)

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful and blessed weekend my friends!

Lots of love and hugs,

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Soon to be Mine:

Happy Thursday my peeps!  We are almost to the weekend and I for one can not wait! I am totally and literally exhausted and now my throat is sore and I'm feeling kind of crappy due to these extreme cold temps we've been having the last few days.  So how are all of you?  I know I'm behind on blog reading and commenting on your blogs and I'm truly sorry - but things have just been nuts the last couple of weeks to say the least.  I guess it's just that time of year - I don't know really.  Anyway, I'm so excited because we are getting our Christmas bonuses at work tomorrow and between that and the monetary gifts from my bosses - this baby will soon be mine:

Yup - it's the IPAD and I couldn't be more thrilled!  I actually put my Iphone 4 on Ebay yesterday to try and sell it and it sold within 3 minutes - LITERALLY - I was so shocked!  So that money will also go towards my new toy.   Since the Ipad has a 9.7" screen I will be able to see it much better than the screen on my Iphone and use the Ipad for reading, playing games, etc. on my morning and evening commutes which sometimes turn into 2 to 3 hour commutes depending on the weather and traffic.  All I need a phone for really is to text my kids and husband and just for calls - I would much prefer to play on this toy rather than my phone any day. :)  Can you tell I'm just a wee bit excited? LOL 

Anyway, I guess that's all for today - I have to get myself ready for work.  Tomorrow my main boss, Mr. Ferdon, and his lovely wife are taking me to lunch and then on Saturday night, my husband and I are having dinner with my girlfriend from work and her husband - and I can hardly wait.  She is one of my most favorite people in the world and it's been so nice to actually have a good friend at work finally after 3 years.

Have a great day dolls and I promise to catch up on your blogs soon - so don't give up on me okay?

Lots of love and hugs,

Soon to be Mine:

Happy Thursday my peeps!  We are almost to the weekend and I for one can not wait! I am totally and literally exhausted and now my throat is sore and I'm feeling kind of crappy due to these extreme cold temps we've been having the last few days.  So how are all of you?  I know I'm behind on blog reading and commenting on your blogs and I'm truly sorry - but things have just been nuts the last couple of weeks to say the least.  I guess it's just that time of year - I don't know really.  Anyway, I'm so excited because we are getting our Christmas bonuses at work tomorrow and between that and the monetary gifts from my bosses - this baby will soon be mine:

Yup - it's the IPAD and I couldn't be more thrilled!  I actually put my Iphone 4 on Ebay yesterday to try and sell it and it sold within 3 minutes - LITERALLY - I was so shocked!  So that money will also go towards my new toy.   Since the Ipad has a 9.7" screen I will be able to see it much better than the screen on my Iphone and use the Ipad for reading, playing games, etc. on my morning and evening commutes which sometimes turn into 2 to 3 hour commutes depending on the weather and traffic.  All I need a phone for really is to text my kids and husband and just for calls - I would much prefer to play on this toy rather than my phone any day. :)  Can you tell I'm just a wee bit excited? LOL 

Anyway, I guess that's all for today - I have to get myself ready for work.  Tomorrow my main boss, Mr. Ferdon, and his lovely wife are taking me to lunch and then on Saturday night, my husband and I are having dinner with my girlfriend from work and her husband - and I can hardly wait.  She is one of my most favorite people in the world and it's been so nice to actually have a good friend at work finally after 3 years.

Have a great day dolls and I promise to catch up on your blogs soon - so don't give up on me okay?

Lots of love and hugs,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010