Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hump Day & MIA

Hey friends - just wanted to stop by for a quick hello and to tell you that I am still here.  Things (life) have just been crazy both at work and home lately and I just haven't had the time to really blog much.  I've been lurking on your blogs when I've had the chance, but not had a lot of time to do that really - or even comment.  But, please don't give up on me as I will be back soon!  P.S.  I've also not forgotten about the giveaway that I posted about previously and will get to that soon.  In the meantime.....

LOL - I thought that was a cute picture!  Have a great day my friends and thanks for stopping by to say hello! :)

Lots of love and hugs,
Trac~ :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

World Cheese Dip Competition

OMG - you WON'T believe this!  I competed in a cheese dip competition at my office yesterday (which is why I've not been on here since last Friday).... AND.... I....WON!!!!  Now, I go on to compete in the World Cheese Dip Competition here in Little Rock, Arkansas next month and if I win there then I go on to compete in New Orleans - WOO HOO!!!

Now mind you - after I tasted everyone else's dips - I truly, truly did NOT believe I had a shot in the dark of placing, much less... winning the whole darn thing!  I won a $50 gift card to Chili's for dinner, and then my firm will pay for everything for me to represent them in the competition - it is just TOO surreal! HA!

Well, I just wanted to say hello and let you know I'm still here - life has just been very busy this week.  Hope all of you are doing fine and I will catch up on your blogs soon!

Thanks for stopping by to say hello!

Lots of love and hugs,
Trac~ :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy TGIF!!!!

My brain is completely fried this morning, and I'm totally exhausted - but I wanted to stop by and say hi and wish you all a very happy Friday and a wonderful and blessed weekend.  Anything fun and exciting on your weekend agendas?  We are getting another dog (a male golden) on Saturday to go along with our female golden (both English Creams) and will breed them when the time is right.  We are also going to my dad's this weekend because we've not seen him at all in at least a year.  Other than that, it's the usual - work around the house, grocery shopping, cooking, etc... Oh - and hopefully, hanging out relaxing in our new hot tub that we just bought - the hubster has wired it up and it's all ready to go - we just need to fill it up and make sure it's heating well.   

I hope to catch up with you all again soon - work has been NUTS this week to say the least so I've had no time to play on blogs or facebook, etc. lately. 

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Keeping Company Thursdays

Happy Thursday my friends!  We are one day closer to the weekend - YAY!!! Today I decided to play along again with Keeping Company Thursdays as it's been a while.  Those of you who may be new (and those of you who aren't) - this blog is formerly "Welcome to our World" and I would love it if you would follow me (or follow me again).  In the meantime - here are the rules for Keeping Company Thursday if you want to play along:

* Create a Keepin' Company Thursday post. Please include the Keepin' Company Button in your post.

* Follow the first two blogs, which are the hostesses: Heck of a Bunch and Traci66.
* Follow any of the other blogs you choose to and let them know you found them via Keepin' Company Thursday.
* If you get a follow via Keepin' Company Thursday please follow them back.
* Add your blog name and the URL to your Keepin' Company Post to the link below. There is no need to add your link twice. You can do so either on my blog or at Traci66. It will show up at both regardless.
* You can also grab the blog hop code to add to your post if you want the thumbnails to appear in your post.
* If you add the Keepin' Company button to your sidebar and leave either of the hosteses, Heck of a Bunch or Traci66, a comment letting us know where to find it we will randomly draw a blog to be in the #3 spot next week. This week's #3 spot goes to It's A Sun Kissed Life.
That's all there is to it so come join us, won't you? :)
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!  Oh and if you are new here - WELCOME! :)

Lots of love and hugs,
Trac~ :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back to School - Back to Reality

Happy Tuesday my friends!  Hope you had a great Monday.  Ours was good and busy as usual.  Of course, the BIG NEWS here was the kids went BACK TO SCHOOL - WOO HOOO!!!!  And as promised - here are their obligatory first day of school pictures (they try and humor their mama (me) as much as possible) - hee hee hee

This, of course, is Miss Priss putting her "face" on first thing
(excuse the yellowness in this picture - don't know what was wrong here):
And this is Mr. Handsome trying to hide as much as possible
before he HAS to show his face:
 My baby girl on her very first day of her Senior Year - *boo hoo*
 Close-up of my baby girl:

 My two "babies" together:
 My "baby" boy on his first day of Junior Year - *sniff, sniff*:
 Me and my baby boy -
(not such a good shot of me, but it WAS early) LOL
 Me and my baby girl (2nd take) - HA!
My husband was gone already by this time, so he didn't get to be in any of the pictures.  I hope to get some of him and the kids sometime this week since he leaves later than all of us for the next 3 days.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the pictures.  Thanks for stopping by to say hello and please be sure to add my new website to your blog roll if you still want to follow me. 

Have a great day!

Lots of love and hugs,

Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekend Recap & Back to School

Happy Monday my peeps!  How are you?  How was your weekend?  Do anything fun and exciting?  We went to Razorback Country and visited with the in-laws and then headed out to Eureka Springs for the day.  It was a great weekend and a great day!  Here are a few pictures for you:

Old Time Candy Sticks:
  Dress made out of a newspaper:
Singing "Old Red"
Beautiful Arkansas Ozark Mountains
  My family in the same exact spot I took a picture of them 14 years ago
when our babies were only 4 years old - wish I could find the picture to compare it to side by side.  Steven was holding them in the earlier picture but they are WAY TOO BIG now and I think they are holding HIM up here - HA!
On another note - today is the first day of back to school for my kiddos and I am SO happy but sad at the same time - happy because they can't waste their lives away sleeping all day long (HA) and sad because my baby girl is a senior this year and my son, a junior - ACK!  Talk about time flying!  I will have pictures to share tomorrow of their first day of this year. 

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by! :)

Lots of love and hugs,

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy TGIF!!

Happy Friday my friends!  I don't know about you, but whew - we finally made it to the weekend - I am SOOOO tired.  The rain storm that rolled through our town yesterday morning at 2:45 woke me up and I tossed and turned until 4 and then finally got out of bed.  So as you can imagine, I slept wonderful last night and slept hard.  The only downfall to that is that now I'm even MORE exhausted due to trying play catch up on my sleep.  I stopped for coffee this morning and had 4 shots of espresso in my coffee and it has done NOTHING to help wake me up - 4 shots and NUTTIN??? SERIOUSLY???  *sigh*  Oh well.

Today at lunch I am going to meet up with a classmate from high school that I've not seen in TWENTY-FIVE years - yep you read that right - 25 years!  We are actually having our 25 year reunion next month - WOW - I just can't get over how fast time has flown by - sheesh!  Really, really makes me feel old! HA!  Then after that me and the family will be headed to Razorback Country a/k/a Fayetteville to hang out with family and friends.  If any of you are in town and available let me know  - I'd love to meet up with you and say hi or something! :)

I tried uploading a video today of my grandfather that I went to see a few weeks back, singing his famous song but couldn't get the darn thing to work.  If anyone knows HOW to get that to upload for me that would be great - also, I want to switch everything over to my other blog but not sure how to do that - do any of you know the procedure so that I don't lose everything here from the last 2 years?

Well, have a great weekend and be sure to sign up for my give-away from yesterday (or the day before) -you still have some more time.  I haven't set a cut-off date for it yet - maybe the early part of next week though at the latest. 

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by to say hello! :)

Lots of love and hugs,

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Two Year Blogaversary Giveaway

Happy Birthday to me!!!!

Sooo.. it appears in the midst of all things - like moving, etc., that I totally skipped out and forgot about my 2 year blogaversary here! Apparently it was August the 6th (I thought it was the 16th) - oops!

However, luckily for YOU I finally remembered and so one of YOU are going to have a chance to win a really GREAT prize (hadn't quite come up with the exact idea yet - but I promise it WILL be GREAT and one you will LOVE). 

All you have to do to be entered to win is leave me a comment here telling me about your favorite birthday memory - simple as that - easy peasy!  Oh... and only one other teeny tiny rule to follow - you MUST be a follower of my blog to be eligible.

See... easy peasy! :)  Nuttin to it!!!

We are FINALLY getting some much needed rain here the last couple of days and it has been glorious!!! I am loving it!  Of course, the storm woke me up at 2:45 this morning and I've been up ever since - which is why I am on here at 5 a.m. - LOL

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by to say hello!

Lots of love and hugs,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011