Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner!!!

Happy Hump Day my wonderful friends!  I was going to do a Wordless Wednesday picture today but decided I need to post about the contest that I won last week instead.  I have NEVER won any of the contests I've entered whether in the bloggy world or otherwise, so as you can imagine, I am SOOO EXCITED and have to brag! (hope you don't mind) :o)

Anyway, on February 8th, I won a COOL contest ovah at Supah's :

It is an "adult" only website with a lot of very tasteful gifts and fun toys.  The only problem I have is trying to decide what to buy with my $35.00 giftcard that I scored!  So be sure and check out Nicole over at Eden Fantasys and see what kind of goodies you can find to take home! (P.S. They ship discreetly from what I hear, so no worries on the kids or noisy neighbors finding out what goodies your box holds- hee hee hee).

Anyway, thanks again, Nicole and Supah! You girls ROCK! P.S.  My husband thanks you both too! :o)

Lots of love and hugs,


  1. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cool and the hubs enjoy;)_

  2. AHHHH, you won it?!?Dang it... I mean, CONGRATULATIONS lmfao.. seriously, have lots and lots of fun :)

  3. Congrats. That's so cool. Anything that requires batteries I'm sure will be fun for you. LOL jk

  4. LOL! you go girl...I wanted this one bad!!


Sweet Love From My Friends