Monday, November 29, 2010

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday my friends! I hope that all of you had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  We did except that my poor husband had to spend it all in bed practically the entire time due to being sick.  He got sick last Tuesday and hasn't gotten better at all.  Needless to say, we ended up in the Emergency Room last night and was there for 4 hours and I am exhausted to say the least. *yawn*  So... I will have to play catch up later on today/tonight and try to post after that.  I'm sorry that I didn't make it by anyone's blogs this weekend but it was a very busy and productive one for me to say the least.  I hope that yours was just as nice and your family time was a great one!  I can't wait to see the pictures and catch up on all of your blogs.  Unfortunately, since my husband was ill - he only got out of bed to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with us and he went back to bed after that, so I only got pictures of the food - ha!  Even the kids wouldn't let me get their pictures because they hadn't primped yet - LOL. 

Thanks for stopping by and a big welcome to my newest readers - I promise to get by to visit you very soon! :)  In the meantime, here is how I feel today - pooped de doop! HA!

Lots of love and hugs,


  1. So sorry to read of your 'eventful' weekend. I hope your husband is soon feeling 100% and that you get some no doubt well earned sleep.

  2. I hope all turns back around quickly, and yoiur hubs and everyone is back to tip top . HUGS

  3. I sure hope your Hubby is feeling better today! Did he feel up to watching the game? It was a good one!


Sweet Love From My Friends