Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy TGIF!

Hello my friends!  Whew - we finally made it to Friday.  Yeah, yeah, I know, I know, this was a short week again but sheesh did it ever seem looonnnngggg! ACK!  Anyway - what are your plans for this weekend?  There is a huge craft fair about 30 minutes from us that I've never been to before so I am going to check it out since the hubster has to work.  Maybe my daughter will want to go with me before she goes to work later that night.  I get so little mommy/daughter time with my girl that I will use any excuse I can get! :o)

Other than that, I plan to spend the rest of my weekend running her back and forth to work and just resting my knee.  I go back to the doctor on Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. to find out the results.  I wish someone would have been there last night to at least have told me yes I had a torn meniscus or no I didn't.  It's so frustrating - especially when you want the results right then! Ummm... can you tell I am not a patient person - LOL 

Well have a happy Friday my peeps and an even greater weekend.  I look forward to catching up with you on the flip side to see how you spent your weekend. 

Lots of love and hugs,


  1. Have a blessed one friend ;)


  2. Hope you get to check out the crafts and definitely get some rest. XOXO

  3. Hope your weekend is going nice. Hope you got some rest.

    Big hugs,


Sweet Love From My Friends